Pants for Dutch Boys


In second grade my teacher had the months, listed on cards, with corresponding decor above the chalk board. They were in grouped together in columns: Jan, Feb, March and then another column April, May June etc. To this day when thinking about the months I still see those cards above the chalkboard.

So welcome to my 12th favorite month! March seems to lack personality, what is there to recommend him? He isn’t really spring but classically not thought of as winter. No three day weekends, and only a minor holiday and Easter (when it is unfortunate enough to be buried in this drab month). But you know what we still have gobs of? SNOW! And not only do we have snow, but we’ve had TWO snow thunder storms this week!! How crazy is THAT? I’m always grateful for the snow, otherwise things get to looking rather bleak. (Several of you mentioned your appreciation for my ongoing winter enthusiasm so… you’re welcome!)

We’re ending our year here at the Chamber and the Visitor Center and looking towards our Annual Banquet on Thursday, April 2nd, where we’ll celebrate the past year, recognize this year’s award winners and place our new board members.

If you missed the March newsletter check it out here: and submit your votes for the Annual Awards. (1 vote per membership). We’re also looking for one person to fill an empty board position. If you’re interested, please submit your name and a short paragraph about why you’d like to be on the board and what you feel you can bring to our organization. Nominees must be Chamber members. We are so excited about this new year and new decade so we also hope you also feel a certain passion for Lead.

Here’s what’s going on in town this week!

Friday, March 6th
5:30pm – Family Skate Night at the Handley Recreation Center. If you haven’t been to these yet, this month seems like a good time to go exhaust your children with exercise disguised as fun!

7pm – Trivia at Lewie’s Saloon & Eatery, always a great time! Go win some jello shots, or some macaroni bites.

Saturday, March 7th
The Northern Hills Recreation Association is having their final Snow Jam race at Tomahawk Country Club. They’ll also hand out prizes and have the final party. If you haven’t been out yet to enjoy the groomed trails this would be a great time to do so! More information at

Tuesday, March 10th
Women in Networking is having their monthly luncheon at the Holiday Inn in Spearfish. If you haven’t been to one of these events they’re always lots of fun. Call Mela for more details 605-642-6948

5pm – Hearst Library monthly book club. This month we’re reading Before We Were Yours by Lisa Wingate. You don’t need to have read the book to attend, and all are welcome. It’s a great way to bust out of a reading rut.

Thursday, March 12th
7:15am – Men’s Prayer Breakfast at Shepherd of the Hills Church. All are welcome to enjoy a hearty homemade meal, good company and prayer – every Thursday weather permitting. You can call the church at 722-1206 for more details.

Other Items:
Jenny from Plunder Bling would like to let you know the new spring catalog is out! You can check it out here:

And in closing, Rose Burns told me this week that her relative used to say, if you look up in the sky and there’s a patch of blue big enough to sew a dutch boy a pair of pants, the clouds will clear. Not sure what this means, or how big that patch should be, but I found it charming.

To sewing for dutch boys!

Lead Chamber & Sanford Lab Homestake Visitor Center

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