Hello Everyone,
May the 4th be with you!
I just starting reading this book for the “Leading Ladies” 🙂 book club that I am in called “The Magic of Thinking Big”. As I started reading this book, I will be honest. I thought “pleeeeeeease, I already think positively and don’t need this crap”…..well there was my negative thinking that just snuck in there! I’m sure this has happened to all of you before! If you have already read the May Newsletter I sent out, then you will know that May is going to be a busy month. Knowing that it’ll be busy can lead to overwhelming negative thoughts. Just with my Chamber work alone, it can be a lot, but then add that I am running a business with every weekend booked with wedding orders, and then on top of that taking care of my children with my husband gone traveling for work all the time. Just like in that book, I could get what they call “Excuse-itis” but I won’t and I can’t. I have to keep chugging along and keep thinking successful positive thoughts because doing so will benefit myself, clients, and the businesses in Lead! Think positive, have fun, enjoy what you do and you will go places in life!
A very strong successful positive thinking person that puts her mind to something and gets it done and a person I call a very good friend, just recently had her Ordination and became a Pastor for the Shepherd of the Hills Lutheran Church. Congratulations Sierra Ward for this accomplishment!
Hey, I also got the Daktronics Board working again, so you can reach out to me about events that you would like posted on there!
____ Here’s what’s happening in Lead this week
Wednesday 5/4 – 11:15am: Story Time @ the Lead Library with cookie decorating at Rustic Nook Bakery following
-5:30pm: Zumba w/ Debbie Minter @ EF&A
Thursday 5/5 – 9am: Black Hills Mining Museum Opens for the Season
-12pm: Preservation Thursday “Remember Christmas”
-7pm: “See How They Run” @ HOH
Friday 5/6 – 5:30pm: Zumba w/ Debbie Minter @ EF&A
-7pm: “See How They Run” @ HOH
Saturday 5/7 – -7pm: “See How They Run” @ HOH
Sunday 5/8 – 2pm: “See How They Run” @ HOH
Monday 5/9 – -7pm: “See How They Run” @ HOH
Tuesday 5/10. -6pm: Poker for Fun @ Blackstone Lodge Hanger 7 Lounge
____ News & Notes
Boys & Girls Club of the Black Hills will be closed May 16th-20th. To register for their summer programing, stop by and see Danielle. Also, the BGC will offer transportation for kiddos to and from rehearsals of the Lion King Production at the Homestake Opera House.
2022-2023 Lead Magazines are now available for pick up or distribution.
Deadwood History, Inc. is offering free tours of the Adams Museum, the Days of ’76 Museum, and the Historic Adams House to all mothers of Sunday May 8 2022.
For free event posting in Travel SD contact [email protected]
Arts organizations can add their event listings for free by emailing artssouthdakota.org
Explore Fitness and Adventures has a lot of weekly activities for kids and adults! You can find more information for those on our online calendar. leadmethere.org
The Handley Center also offers weekly activities. Visit their Facebook page for information.
Shepherd’s Food Pantry open every Wednesday at Shepherd of the Hills Lutheran Church @ 9am
____Save the Date:
5/11-5/14 – Disney’s, “The Lion King” Auditions
5/14 – Thomas Grier Day & City Clean-Up
5/14 – Art & Antique’s Row “Second Saturday” Lead Main St.
5/16 – 5pm Lead City Commission Meeting
5/19 – 125th Anniversary Monument Health LD Hospital
5/21 – Explore Fitness & Adventures Dance Recital
5/28-5/29 – Black Hills Renaissance Festival – Tickets on sale now @ https://www.blackhillsrenfest.com/home
5/29 – “Piano Ponderings” @ HOH
6/14 – Lead Live
6/23 – Chamber Mixer @ Terry Peak Lodge
Best Regards,
Leigha Patterson
Executive Director