Gooooooood Morning Lead! Have you been outside lately? We’ve had some beautiful days. On a walk this week I even smelled that Black Hills summer smell. You could blind fold me and drop me anywhere in the world and I would always recognize the smell of home. I can never quite put my finger on … Continue reading Remember When All We Had Was to Complain About the Weather
Sunny Days Ahead!
Good Morning! I’ve been so proud of our communities. The Deadwood Chamber stepped up right away and started a food program. They have helped support many people in Lead and I feel so grateful to our sister city for their initiative. We will be rolling out a food distribution program tomorrow (Friday 4/24) from the … Continue reading Sunny Days Ahead!
I can’t Believe I got Fired from the Calendar Factory. All I did was Take a Day Off!
Good Morning! Have you ever been fired, laid off or furloughed? It’s a traumatic experience. But very often it frees us up in a way we weren’t before. Few of us can responsibly walk away from a job, particularly if we have a family and a mortgage and all the trimmings of adult life. Being … Continue reading I can’t Believe I got Fired from the Calendar Factory. All I did was Take a Day Off!
Distinguishing Amounts of Optimism
Good Morning Lead (& Friends)! If you’ve been reading my emails for any length of time you might think I’m unrealistically optimistic ALL the time. You’d be wrong. I’m actually quite cynical. But I choose to try and be optimistic despite this general outlook, constantly trying to pick the happy high road. This week I … Continue reading Distinguishing Amounts of Optimism
The Grittiest Grit
Howdy! A few years ago “grit” was a popular buzzword. Angela Duckworth’s famous six minute TED talk has been viewed over 19 million times! It’s worth a listen! When I think of grit I think of the hero of a western movie. He’s been knocked down by the bad guy and his face is in … Continue reading The Grittiest Grit
At Least You’re not Sleeping on a Rope
Good Morning! Like so many of you, we’ve been watching a LOT of Netflix and Prime in our empty evenings. We’re kind of on a history kick and stumbled across Victorian Slum House on Prime from PBS. The premise of the show is that several families agree to live like they did in the Victorian … Continue reading At Least You’re not Sleeping on a Rope
The Worst of Times, the Best of Times
Good Morning, Lead! What a breathtakingly beautiful morning it is!! I have some news so wanted to pester you for the third time this week. Hope you don’t mind! 🙂 First the bad news: The Kiwanis Fish Fry dinner scheduled for April 3rd has been canceled. Bummer. Terry Peak is closed effective immediately. Huge bummer. … Continue reading The Worst of Times, the Best of Times
In Like a Lion
Well Hello There! Here’s a special Tuesday early edition of my normal Thursday email. I predicted the 20’s would be roaring but I wasn’t really expecting it on THIS level! Let’s hope March goes out like a lamb, and if not March at least April! I’ve had a lot of time to think about everything … Continue reading In Like a Lion
Weird Times at Mile High
Hello, you get two emails in one week! Lucky you! I hope you are all healthy and safe. Please take courage, this won’t last forever. History is in the making here, and you can say you got through it! “Remember that time we all had to stay home and the world ground to a surreal … Continue reading Weird Times at Mile High
Has Spring Sprung?
appy Week! I don’t want to speak too soon, but hasn’t our weather been nice? It’s so wonderful to have this break from outer wear (I love winter but bundling up had its disadvantages!) Even if winter isn’t really over. It’s so great to throw open some windows and doors and get some fresh air … Continue reading Has Spring Sprung?