Good Morning! Recently I was talking with my husband, who’s in the military, and he told me about a motto the army has, “Do Something.” He explained that in their training they are told, “Make a decision! Even a bad decision is better than no decision.” In times as overwhelming and difficult to plan as … Continue reading When The Going Is Tough, Keep Going
The Chocolate Didn’t Melt
Howdy Doody! After the parade on Monday morning I was bemoaning the weather – because while beautiful it was also a tough day to get people to sit on the street to watch a parade… a precocious kid responded cheerfully, “But it was great weather, because the chocolate they threw didn’t melt!” THIS! This is … Continue reading The Chocolate Didn’t Melt
These Happy Golden Times
Good Morning! I always get to August and feel surprised and sad that the end of summer is already in sight… I’ve said before that it’s the Sunday of the year. But then September comes, and like Monday morning, I feel excited to get back to work. September brings fresh starts and new beginnings. If … Continue reading These Happy Golden Times
Where The Home Folks Are
Good Morning! What a fresh morning it is after that short rain burst. It wasn’t enough, but it was a wonderful relief from the blazing hot, smoke filled hazy days we’ve been having. I read a quote this week that I loved: “As the years pass, I am coming more and more to understand that … Continue reading Where The Home Folks Are
Baby Steps
Good Morning! Have you noticed that Lead is improving? The tricky thing is that it all happens so slowly that you can’t really quite put your finger on it. So let’s take a moment to go down Main Street together and notice just a few of these small changes! As they say, “Every journey must … Continue reading Baby Steps
Gone But Not Forgotten
Happy Thursday, This last weekend we visited my husband’s dad who is pretty near the end of his long battle with cancer. It’s been over a decade coming, so even though that doesn’t make it easy, it’s not unexpected. When someone dies it always leaves a hole, and not least of all because a lot … Continue reading Gone But Not Forgotten
One Small Thing
Good Morning! I heard some good advice a few years ago, “Don’t treat a blessing like a curse.” Several times since I’ve remembered this sage wisdom in my own life. August can be a love/hate time for us residents of the Black Hills. Summer first comes and we’re so excited by the holiday spirit but … Continue reading One Small Thing
Where’s The Beef
Good Morning Lead! This year has been NUTS! But I’ve been really happy to hear that most of our businesses in Lead are continuing to scratch out a living and survive. As the Chamber Director it’s always our goal to support business with everything we do. Right now we’re trying to prepare for Gold Camp … Continue reading Where’s The Beef
The Diaspora of Lead
Howdy! A friend of mine has a boyfriend who’s working at a mine at the edge of the earth. He’s working there with other people who he used to work with at Homestake Mining Company many years ago. They have a special bond because of their time in Lead together even though life has since … Continue reading The Diaspora of Lead
We Be Weedy
Good Morning! The other day I was bemoaning a fellow Lead resident’s crustiness to a friend. “They’re so stubborn and hard to get along with sometimes,” I said. “Oh, you mean, like you?” the friend replied. Hmmm…. She makes a good point. And this got me thinking. It’s true, I’m incredibly obstinate and can be difficult. … Continue reading We Be Weedy