Hello Everyone,
Sorry for the late email today, it has been a busy day and I have been driving around all over the place. We have a few fun events coming up this week. I have also been working on the 4th of July Celebration schedule, so if you would like to be involved as either a business hosting an activity, live music, or even vending in the park, please let me know. You can visit leadmethere.org/goldcampjubilee for a tentative schedule of events and to also register as a vendor.
____ Here’s what’s happening in Lead this week
Wednesday 5/18: 5:30pm – Zumba @ EFA with Debbie Minter
Thursday 5/19: 5:30pm- 125th Anniversary Celebration of the Lead-Deadwood Hospital in the Hospital’s Parking area
Friday 5/20: 5:30pm – Zumba at EFA w/ Debbie Minter
Saturday 5/21: 5:30pm – EFA Dance Recital @ HOH
Sunday: 3:30pm -End of the Year MOPs Meeting at the Shepherd of the Hills Lutheran Church
Tuesday 5/24: 6:30pm Poker for Fun at the Blackstone Lodge & Suites
____ News & Notes
I am still looking for volunteers during Ren Fest. Please let me know asap if you are interested.
For free event posting in Travel SD contact [email protected]
Arts organizations can add their event listings for free by emailing artssouthdakota.org
Explore Fitness and Adventures has a lot of weekly activities for kids and adults! You can find more information for those on our online calendar. leadmethere.org
The Handley Center also offers weekly activities. Visit their Facebook page for information.
Shepherd’s Food Pantry open every Wednesday at Shepherd of the Hills Lutheran Church @ 9am
____Save the Date:
5/28-5/29 – Black Hills Renaissance Festival – Tickets on sale now @ https://www.blackhillsrenfest.com/home
5/29 – “Piano Ponderings” @ HOH
6/14 – Lead Live
6/23 – Chamber Mixer @ Terry Peak Lodge
Best Regards,
Leigha Patterson
Executive Director